Welcome Messages

Ilana Snyder

Ilana Snyder2015 was a watershed year for the New Israel Fund Australia Foundation. Since our establishment in 2011, we have raised more than $2 million to fund grassroots human rights and social justice organisations in Israel. We have also had a number of very successful public events that have provoked progressive conversations about peace and security in Israel. The NIF has become the leading global organisation advancing democracy and equality in Israel and our work in Australia is making an important contribution to this endeavour.

Liam Getreu
Executive Director

Liam GetreuIn 2015 we launched our Naomi Chazan Fellowship, which empowers the next generation of leaders to take active roles in community conversations about Israel, and also hosted our co-patron, Ambassador Martin Indyk, in Sydney where he spoke to more than 300 people at a community event. Despite the difficult political environment in Israel, our grantees are working harder than ever to promote social equality and inclusion, to protect vital democratic infrastructure, and to ensure Jews and Arabs continue to work together.

Thank you for your ongoing support of NIF Australia

2015 In Numbers

2015 Was Our Strongest Year Yet

Annual Fundraising

$610,000 Raised in 2015

An increase of 13% on last year, NIF’s total fundraising has grown 3x since 2012. In 2016, we are on track to have raised more than $2 million in just five years.1

Impact in Israel

$394,000 For Grantees in 2015

The core of our work, funding civil society in Israel, has never been stronger. Our contribution to Israel has grown more than 130% in the last four years, ensuring a sizeable impact on Israeli society.2

Effectively Delivering Impact

Where Our Funding Goes

Our use of donor funds is extremely efficient – and we are grateful to have two generous donors covering our local costs to ensure maximum impact in Israel for our other donors.

Our Impact in Israel

What Are NIF Grantees Doing in Israel?

2015 Audited Financial Statement

Comprehensive Income Statement

Revenue 2015 2014
Donations $372,831 $368,157
Donations – Fellowship $34,500 n/a
Other revenue $3,298 $1,705
Interest $1,949 $2,315
Total: $412,578 $372,177
Expenses 2015 2014
Grants to Israel $196,290 $205,605
Education and engagement $96,671 $56,966
Naomi Chazan Fellowship $34,637 n/a
Fundraising $30,343 $22,602
Communications $18,635 $17,007
Administration, audit and legal, and other expenses $14,395 $15,125
Total: $390,971 $317,305
Surplus $21,607 $54,872

Balance Sheet

Assets 2015 2014
Current Assets $182,947 $156,439
Total Assets $182,947 $156,439
Liabilities 2015 2014
Current liabilities $12,921 $8,020
Total liabilities $12,921 $8,020
Net assets $170,026 $148,419
Equity 2015 2014
Retained surplus $170,026 $148,419
Total equity $170,026 $148,419


  1. The figures in this financial statement do not include funds remitted directly to the New Israel Fund in Israel, the United States or United Kingdom. The graphs above do include those figures – $197,750 in 2015. These funds are spent on NIF grants in Israel.

  2. The figures in the graphs above include funds remitted directly to NIF in Israel, the US and UK.

  3. We continue to be grateful to two generous donors who cover most of our local costs.